各位考生: 以下復(fù)試大綱僅供參考,各專業(yè)復(fù)試內(nèi)容不僅限于參考大綱內(nèi)容。且并非所有專業(yè)發(fā)布考試復(fù)試大綱,請(qǐng)各位考生周知。
1.1 Translation Studies
1. Definition and types of translation
2. Key translation theories (e.g. Dynamic Equivalence, Skopol Theory, Genre Theory, foreignization and domestication, etc)
3. Translation strategies and skills
4. Business or legal translation techniques
5. History of translation studies
6. Important translators and translation studies books in China and abroad
7. Computer-aided translation technology
8. Localization and translation management
9. Current developments in language service
10. Research methods in translation studies
1.2 Business Knowledge
1.Intercultural communication competence and skill
2.Concepts of international busine
3.Corporate social responsibility and ethic
4.Marketing mix and sale
5. Entrepreneurship and innovation
6.e-business and internet
7. Basic concepts and principles of economics, trade and law 8. International trading procedures
9.International negotiation procedure
10.Concept of continental law and common law
11. International treaty/agreement
2.1 Interpreting Studie
1.The definition of interpreting
2.Varietiesof interpreting
3.Professional statusof interpreting
4.Disciplinary perspectives of interpreting
5. Interpreting strategies and skills
6.Research methodologies of interpreting
7.Interpreting model
8.The history of interpreting as a professio
9.Professional ethic
10.Technologies and their applicationsin interpreting
2.2Business Knowledge
1.Intercultural communication competence and skill
2.Concepts of international busine
3.Corporate social responsibility and ethic
4.Marketing and sale
5. Entrepreneurship and innovation
6.e-business and internet
7. Basic concepts and principles of economics and trade
8.International negotiation procedure
9.Concept of continental law and common law
10. International treaty/agreement